Publishing a Book:
From Blank Page
to Published Author

The first project is all about publishing a book. This has been on my bucket list for some time now. A book might not be a business but it does take business tactics to make it successful.

Photo by Abdulmajid Sanusi

Photo by Abdulmajid Sanusi

Here, I’ll be documenting the steps I’m taking to write and publish a book.

In addition to my own research, I know a few authors who I can call on to mentor me through the process if I get stuck. How does that saying go again?… “If you have have 4 people in your circle that are (blank), you become the fifth”. I know I’m botching that up a little but you get the point.

Let’s become an author!

Table of Contents:

*Created as I go along.


01 — The “Pre-Write”

01 — The “Pre-Write”

Some people just start swimming and go where the current takes them. I like to plan a bit more so that I can visualize where I’m going and where I want to be. Planning the business helps with that.