Publishing a Book:
From Blank Page
to Published Author
The first project is all about publishing a book. This has been on my bucket list for some time now. A book might not be a business but it does take business tactics to make it successful.
Photo by Abdulmajid Sanusi
Here, I’ll be documenting the steps I’m taking to write and publish a book.
In addition to my own research, I know a few authors who I can call on to mentor me through the process if I get stuck. How does that saying go again?… “If you have have 4 people in your circle that are (blank), you become the fifth”. I know I’m botching that up a little but you get the point.
Let’s become an author!
Table of Contents:
*Created as I go along.
01 — The “Pre-Write”
01 — The “Pre-Write”
Some people just start swimming and go where the current takes them. I like to plan a bit more so that I can visualize where I’m going and where I want to be. Planning the business helps with that.